About Our School » History of Our School

History of Our School


Central Public School had its beginning at a ratepayers' meeting held on October 3, 1916, at which the School Board was authorized to borrow funds to obtain a site and build and equip a frame school house. In February 1917, with a class of 60 pupils of all ages, a school room was opened over what was a community hall. In 1920, two more classrooms were necessary, thus completing the four room unit remembered by many as the "small school" and which, in 1922, became the first high school.

To meet the needs of the young mining camp, in 1924, another four room school was built adjacent to it on the site of the old Central School building, with subsequent additions of four rooms in each of 1926 and 1928. By 1960 it was time to look at a new school because of foundation problems and the costly repairs. In 1962 the Public School Board obtained the approval of Council, and submitted plans to the Department of Education for approval. In 1964, a local contractor constructed a 12 room school, complete with a playroom/auditorium, kindergarten, library, all auxiliary services area and the Board's Administrative Offices at a cost of $390,000.

The pupils and staff occupied the new Central School building on September 8, 1964, vacating the old building which became the temporary home for a section of the Northern Ontario Institute of Technology. Thus, the cycle of Central Public School is complete; from a one room school to a small graded school, to a continuation school, to a large graded school, to a post secondary school and finally to this present building with its new look.

In 2006, our look changed from a red brick school to a beautiful three tone beige school with new windows throughout and new roof for our gymnasium. A new computer lab conducive to teaching, learning, and robotics was installed in 2007. In 2008, new sewer and water lines, and a newly paved street with curbs enhanced our facility. In addition, our school yard has experienced many improvements during the past eight years: a green space called Central Park, two new playgrounds, two new soccer fields, a basketball court, as well as improved drainage. Central's PTA facilitated playground equipment and a shelter for rainy and sunny weather. In winter, we have an outdoor rink for our students and the community to enjoy. Daily physical activity, extra-curricular activities, inter-school competitions, field trips, and arts activities contribute to an exciting, stimulating, and productive life at Central.